hit upon

Από Βικιλεξικό
Μετάβαση στην πλοήγηση Πήδηση στην αναζήτηση

Αγγλικά (en)[επεξεργασία]

hit (up)on someone or something
1. Lit. to strike or pound on someone or something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) Jeff hit upon the mugger over and over. I hit on the radio until it started working again.
2. Fig. to discover someone or something. I think I have hit upon something. There is a lever you have to press in order to open this cabinet. I hit on Tom in an amateur play production. I offered him a job in my nightclub immediately.
3. Go to hit on someone; hit on something.
See also: hit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.