- >> done
- >> done
Sarri.greek • συζήτηση - help:βοήθεια - mygoogle - PAWS - ref@en.wikt - fonts@en - audio@en - ετυμολογία - μοντέλα - λεξικογραφία - εργασίες - lab - εκφρ - tAr - t4.t5 - mS.tS - menu - ΣΥΖ&ΒΚΔΜ |
Simple, very simple tasks. E.g. replace a word...
2023.07.01. LINK Go to:
- https://hub-paws.wmcloud.org/hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2F
- (older: https://paws.wmflabs.org/paws/hub/home) Welcome to a PAWS redirect page!
Notice: PAWS has changed domain names
If you're arriving here, you probably arrived from an old link. As announced in https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/5RSH7DAGGIYHCSFBCV62COONUYN73E7K/ and discussed in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T328842 This domain was discontinued on 2023-03-13
Please update your links and use hub-paws.wmcloud.org and public-paws.wmcloud.org
dumps: write:
- -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
2023: OK now, this works https://dumps.wikimedia.org/elwiktionary/latest/
- -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
Enter PAWS
[επεξεργασία]1) Go to https://hub-paws.wmcloud.org/hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2F
2) Log on: no problem, my username is already there
3) a card pops up. It looks like this: Click 'Allow'
Since 2022 there is A NEW SCREEN. Go to HELP and click Launch Classic Notebook
Choose New > Terminal to do replacements.
- https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/master/_modules/scripts/replace.html
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/replace.py
The code for simple replacement of a letter or words in a specific phrase.
Replace phrase in all wiktionary
[επεξεργασία]pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "κλίσ-'πρόβατο" "κλίση-'βούτυρο" -summary:"pwb.py replace κλίση πρόβατο = βούτυρο"
Add -ns:0 to search only in main namespace of wiktionary. Then, find all the other pages (Talks, etc with Search insource:xxxx)
Replace phrase in a category
[επεξεργασία]pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Ανδρικά ονόματα (αρχαία ελληνικά)" "{{λείπει η ετυμολογία|grc}}" "{{λείπει η ετυμολογία|τύπος=όνομα|grc}}" -summary:"pwb.py +τύπος=όνομα"
Replace in one category starting from character B
[επεξεργασία]I need to start from specific letter, because the category is too big. e.g. for letter Γ γ (capital or lowercase) I add -titleregex:'^γ.'
pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Κατηγορία:Λήμματα με προφορά (νέα ελληνικά)" "ɛ" "e" "ɔ" "o" ".ˈ" "ˈ" ".'" "ˈ" -titleregex:'^γ.' -summary:"pwb.py ενημέρωση [[ΔΦΑ]]"
Replace 2 empty lines with 1 empty line + excepttext
[επεξεργασία]Use -excepttext:"BLAHBLAH" Example: replace. except if the page has a specific expression. Use -excepttext:"BLAHBLAH"
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 -excepttext:"{{clear}}\n===={{μεταφράσεις}}" "{{clear}}\n\n===={{μεταφράσεις}}" "{{clear}}\n===={{μεταφράσεις}}" '\s\n===={{μεταφράσεις}}====' '\n{{clear}}\n===={{μεταφράσεις}}====' -summary:"{{clear}} πριν τις μεταφράσεις"
Replace empty line after Template + param
[επεξεργασία]Example: at Translations section
Replace empty line
- Template|param + empty line + asterisc which starts the next line as in
{{μτφ-αρχή|blahblah}} * {{en}}: ...... etc
Use "({{μτφ-αρχή[^}]+}})\n\n(\*)" "\1\n\2"
- [^}] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket }
- + means: get a sequence with 1 character at least.
- to make sure it works if a vertical pipe | does not exist, use an asterisc:
- Careful: asterisc has special meaning in regex. We need to put \ before it, if needed as simple text
This is the command: (repeat at dumps)
pwb.py replace -ns:0 -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Νέα ελληνικά" "({{μτφ-αρχή[^}]+}})\n\n(\*)" "\1\n\2" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις" pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{μτφ-αρχή[^}]+}})\n\n(\*)" "\1\n\2" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις"
- Template|param + empty line + < which starts the next line as in
{{μτφ-αρχή|blahblah}} <!-- .....
- as above.
- ooops. problem
This is the command: (repeat at dumps)
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -cat:"Νέα ελληνικά" "({{μτφ-αρχή[^}]+}})\n\n(<)" "\1\n\2" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις"
- Template|param + empty line + Template:(( which starts the next line as in
{{μτφ-αρχή|blahblah}} {{((}}
- as above.
- CAREFUL: symbol ( has special meaning in regex. We need to put \ before it, if needed as simple text
This is the command: (repeat at dumps)
pwb.py replace -ns:0 -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Νέα ελληνικά" "({{μτφ-αρχή[^}]+}})\n({{\(\(}})" "\1\n" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις"
Replace empty line after Template no param
[επεξεργασία]Example: at Translations section
Replace empty lines at
===={{μεταφράσεις}}==== -- erase this line {{μτφ-αρχή}} -- erase this line * {{en}}: ...... etc -- erase this line {{μτφ-μέση}} -- erase this line {{μτφ-τέλος}}
Command: do with -- > and without
1) pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -cat:"Νέα ελληνικά" "===={{μεταφράσεις}}====\n\n" "===={{μεταφράσεις}}====\n" "{{μτφ-αρχή}}\n\n" "{{μτφ-αρχή}}\n" "\n\n{{μτφ-μέση}}" "\n{{μτφ-μέση}}" "\n\n{{μτφ-τέλος}}" "\n{{μτφ-τέλος}}" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις" 2) pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -cat:"Νέα ελληνικά" "{{μτφ-αρχή}}\n\n" "{{μτφ-αρχή}}\n" "-->\n\n{{μτφ-μέση}}" "-->\n{{μτφ-μέση}}" "-->\n\n{{μτφ-τέλος}}" "-->\n{{μτφ-τέλος}}" -summary:"PAWS - συντήρηση: μείον κενές γραμμές στις Μεταφράσεις"
Replace phrase + any character
[επεξεργασία]- NOTE: -regex creates problems, skip it
replace phrase + any character + continue the phrase. e.g.
- replace "{ grc-β-κλισ-σοφός|BLAHBLAHBLABLAH} " with "{ grc-κλίση-'καλός'} "
Our good friend Botaki writes:
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Επίθετα (αρχαία ελληνικά)" "{{grc-β-κλισ-σοφός[^}]+}}" "{{grc-κλίση-'καλός'}}" -summary:"pwb.py {{grc-κλίση-'καλός'}}"
- [^}] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket }
- + means: get a sequence with 1 character at least.
And to make sure it works if a vertical pipe | does not exist, use an asterisc:
pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Επίθετα (αρχαία ελληνικά)" -regex "{{grc-β-κλισ-σοφός[^}]*}}" "{{grc-κλίση-'καλός'}}" -summary:"pwb.py {{grc-κλίση-'καλός'}}"
Thank you Botaki!!! 2021.07.16. Sarri.greek.
Replace within a template
[επεξεργασία]1) σωστό σύμβολο τόνου ˈ και όχι απλή τυπογραφική απόστροφος '
- !! Προσοχή να μην σβήνονται σύμβολα για πλάγια ή έντοντα γράμματα αν υπάρχουν ΜΕΣΑ στο
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)'([^}]*}})" "\1ˈ\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) update correct accent"
2) Αλλαγή του τελεία + τόνος. Μόνον ο τόνος είναι απαραίτητος (σημαίνει, αλλαγή συλλαβής). Δεν γράφουμε, και τελεία, και τόνο.
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)\.ˈ([^}]*}})" "\1ˈ\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) update, not dot+accent"
No brackets μέσα στο ΔΦΑ [] // Χρειάζεται escape me \[ \] \/ (δυο φορές η πλαγιοκάθετη: πιάνει και το πρώτο και το δεύητερο)
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)\/([^}]*}})" "\1\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)\/([^}]*}})" "\1\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)\[([^}]*}})" "\1\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)\]([^}]*}})" "\1\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) delete internal brackets"
Αλλαγές συμβόλων: Τα σωστά σύμβολα που ισχύουν για όλες τις γλώσσες
- t͡s παλιά ʦ ή ts
- d͡z παλιά ʣ ή dz
- t͡ʃ παλιά t͜ʃ ή tʃ
- d͡ʒ παλιά ʤ
- ɡ (σύμβολο ipa και όχι το λατινικό g)
New symbols /t͡s/ και /d͡z/ and /t͡ʃ/ και /d͡ʒ/: cf. new rules
- with ⟨t͡s⟩ or ⟨t͜s⟩ (formerly with ⟨ʦ⟩ or ⟨ƾ⟩)
- with ⟨d͡z⟩ or ⟨d͜z⟩ (formerly ⟨ʣ⟩)
- with ⟨t͡ʃ⟩, ⟨t͜ʃ⟩ or ⟨tʃ⟩ (formerly the ligature ⟨ʧ⟩).
- with ⟨d͡ʒ⟩ (formerly the ligature ⟨ʤ⟩)
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʣ([^}]*}})" "\1d͡z\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʤ([^}]*}})" "\1d͡ʒ\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʦ([^}]*}})" "\1t͡s\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʧ([^}]*}})" "\1t͡ʃ\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) replace depracated symbols, ligatures [[Βικιλεξικό:Οδηγός_προφοράς#Αναφορές|cf. new rules]] - απαρχαιωμένα σύμβολα"
το ειδικό ɡ όχι g
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)g([^}]*}})" "\1ɡ\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) update σύμβολο ɡ"
μαζί και τα δύο:
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)g([^}]*}})" "\1ɡ\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʣ([^}]*}})" "\1d͡z\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʤ([^}]*}})" "\1d͡ʒ\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʦ([^}]*}})" "\1t͡s\2" "({{ΔΦΑ[^}]+)ʧ([^}]*}})" "\1t͡ʃ\2" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) replace depracated symbols, ligatures [[Βικιλεξικό:Οδηγός_προφοράς#Αναφορές|cf. new rules]] & replace the latin g - απαρχαιωμένα σύμβολα"
Swap position within a template
[επεξεργασία]H παράμετρος |γλ=...
πάντα στην πρώτη θέση (τεχνικοί λόγοι)
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{ΔΦΑ)\|([^}]+)\|(γλ=[^}]+)}}" "\1|\3|\2}}" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) update move γλ="
και μόνο για ελληνικά, ώστε 'να δει' και τα πιο πρόσφατα
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Λήμματα με προφορά ΔΦΑ (νέα ελληνικά)" "({{ΔΦΑ)\|([^}]+)\|(γλ=[^}]+)}}" "\1|\3|\2}}" -summary:"pwb.py ΔΦΑ (ipa) update move γλ="
Replace and swap position
[επεξεργασία]ρηματικός τύπος
[επεξεργασία]Κατηγορία:Ρηματικοί τύποι (αγγλικά) όπως abandoned.
Change {{ρημ τύπος|αόριστος και παθητική μετοχή|abandon}}
to {{infl|en|abandon||en-ed}}
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -cat:"Ρηματικοί τύποι (αγγλικά)" "({{ρημ τύπος)\|(αόριστος και παθητική μετοχή)\|([^}]+)}}" "{{infl|en|\3||en-ed}}" -summary:"pwb.py update English forms -ed"
[επεξεργασία]Note, that regex, escape characters etc are used at the REPLACED.sequenct, NOT at the result.sequence
- [^}] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket }
- [^}\]] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket } and NOT a bracket ]
- I cannot write }] because the ] is a special character: I must put \ in front of it (escape character)
- + means: get a sequence with 1 character at least.
pwb.py replace -regex -lang:el -family:wiktionary -ns:0 -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "({{μτφδ}}\s{{ετυμ fr}}\s\[\[)([^}\]]+)(\]\])" "{{μτφδ|fr|el|\2|text=1}}" -summary:"pwb.py Συντήρηση - auto replace {ετυμ fr}"
My notebook
[επεξεργασία]I am at https://paws.wmflabs.org/paws/user/Sarri.greek/tree
- 1) Choose 'New'. A list pops up. Choose 'Text file'
- 2) now, I am at
- 3) I write codes here for specific tasks. For #Replaceing I do not need this.
- 4) click 'File' > choose 'Rename'
- e.g. test01.txt
- e.g. test01.txt
- 5) click 'File' > choose 'Save'
- Now i can see it under 'Files' at my notebook
Now, I am at https://paws.wmflabs.org/paws/user/Sarri.greek/tree
Since 2022 there is A NEW SCREEN. Go to HELP and click Launch Classic Notebook
Choose New > Terminal
- OLD screen was
- 2022 !!! a white screen apperas at https://hub.paws.wmcloud.org/user/Sarri.greek/lab
- oh!!!! NOT 'retro' to see my previous screen: https://hub.paws.wmcloud.org/user/Sarri.greek/retro/tree
It says
Welcome to PAWS! Please behave responsibly Getting Started: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/PAWS Questions? Need help? Find us on #wikimedia-cloud on IRC on freenode! File bugs at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=PAWS @PAWS:~$
- 3) copy my code, and
- 4) click Enter
IF i write nothing at the black screen, I just exit this window:
- From central page, go to 'Running'. I see all my unused 'Terminal1', 'Terminal2' etc. Click the button 'Shutdown' to get rid of them.
Click letters
[επεξεργασία]After clicking Enter at a code, you get each occurunce, with choices: [y]es [q]uit, etc: press the key in the bracket (e.g. y) + Enter, the key q + Enter... etc.
- [q]uit, it quits (as though you have pressed CTRL+C, but in a more final way)
- [N]no, it skips this occurance, and procedes to the next one
- [e]dit, ...
- [y]es, yes, do the changes and procede to the next one
- [a]ll, does them all! one after the other. We do not click it unless having tried yes, several times
Code commands
[επεξεργασία]Start the code at the black screen after @PAWS:~$
There is a blinking little square
= I start with this- what to do
= (our command: replace the first of the pairts I'm going to write)
= at the el(.wiktionary)-family:wiktionary
= or wikipedia or wiki...-ns:0
= only in namespace: main-cat:"Κατηγορία:xxxxx"
= only in this Category-titleregex:'^γ.'
= when the first letter (^) is γ, followed by any character (.)- (optional)
= search for this sequence of characters - first pair, if I need to replace:
= the sequence to be replaced"zzzz"
= the sequence with which we want to replace it
- I may add more pairs
-summary:"pwb.py ...."
= describe the task\n
= a line break- These characters have special meaning in regex:
. + * ? ^ $ ( ) [ ] { } | \
- if command
is used, and we wish to write them as text, we need escape character\
before them
- if command
Note, that regex, escape characters etc are used at the REPLACED.sequenct, NOT at the result.sequence
- [^}] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket }
- [^}\]] means: any character which is NOT a curly bracket } and NOT a bracket ]
- I cannot write }] because the ] is a special character: I must put \ in front of it (escape character)
- + means: get a sequence with 1 character at least.
[επεξεργασία]- Do not leave too many spaces between the commands
- -pt:1 does everything in ONE second -must make trials first, then use with caution-. If something goes wrong, press CTRL+C (says my teacher, FocalPoint)
- summary: If by accident "zzzz"-summary are joined together, you will get a note about your summary
- use english keyboard to click letters
- PROBLEM with search and replace: if weird little diacritics are in the replace, things go wrong
Good ideas:
- add -ns:0 (namespace: main) if you do not wish to interfere with other pages. May check them later, manually.
- only in a specific category: instead of -xml:/public/dumps/...xml.bz2 I write: -cat:"Category in greek ωωω"
[επεξεργασία]See User:Sarri.greek/PAWS/done
- NOTE: the 'search' command MAY NOT WORK. Try (Thank you Botaki for help!)
pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -xml:/public/dumps/public/elwiktionary/latest/elwiktionary-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 "κλίσ-'πρόβατο" "κλίση-'βούτυρο" -summary:"pwb.py replace κλίση πρόβατο = βούτυρο"
- 3b) NOT BEST WAY Now, e.g. I write next to that @PAWS:~$
@PAWS:~$ pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -search:"Β:Χρηστικό" "Β:Χρηστικό" "Π:Χρηστικό" -summary:"pwb.py replace αντικατάσταση"pwb.py
= ...replace
= (our command: replace the first of the pairts I'm going to write)-lang:el
= at the el(.wiktionary)-family:wiktionary
= or wikipedia or wiki...-search:"xxxx"
= search for this sequence of characters"xxxx"
= the sequence to be replaced"zzzz"
= the sequence with which we want to replace it
- I may add more pairs
- 4) Now, I click ↵ Enter and Here is what i get:
Welcome to PAWS! Please behave responsibly Getting Started: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/PAWS Questions? Need help? Find us on #wikimedia-cloud on IRC on freenode! File bugs at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=PAWS @PAWS:~$ pwb.py replace -lang:el -family:wiktionary -search:"Β:Χρηστικό" "Β:Χρηστικό" "Π:Χρηστικό" -summary:"pwb.py replace αντικατάσταση Β: σε Π:" Retrieving 50 pages from wiktionary:el. No changes were necessary in [[bonaccia]] No changes were necessary in [[Σκοτία]] No changes were necessary in [[Σκότος]] No changes were necessary in [[Συντροφία]] No changes were necessary in [[αίμα]] No changes were necessary in [[ανοίγω]] No changes were necessary in [[αντικατασκοπία]] >>> αρόδο <<< @@ -4 +4 @@ - : '''{{PAGENAME}}''' < {{δαν|vec|el}} [[a]] [[roda]]<ref>{{Β:Γεωργακάς}}</ref> <ref name=Babi>{{Β:Μπαμπινιώτης 2002}}</ref> ή [[arodo]]<ref>{{Β:Χρηστικό}}</ref> <ref>{{Β:ΛΚΝ}}</ref> <ref>ή {{ετυμ|oc|el|arròda}} < {{ετυμ|la|el|rota}}</ref> + : '''{{PAGENAME}}''' < {{δαν|vec|el}} [[a]] [[roda]]<ref>{{Β:Γεωργακάς}}</ref> <ref name=Babi>{{Β:Μπαμπινιώτης 2002}}</ref> ή [[arodo]]<ref>{{Π:Χρηστικό}}</ref> <ref>{{Β:ΛΚΝ}}</ref> <ref>ή {{ετυμ|oc|el|arròda}} < {{ετυμ|la|el|rota}}</ref> Do you want to accept these changes? ([y]es, [N]o, [e]dit original, edit [l]atest, open in [b]rowser, [m]ore context, [a]ll, [q]uit):
- 5) I agree, i click y and Enter, to procede
- or, I do not agree and press N and Enter, to procede
- Do not go fast: WAIT for the change to be viewed at the 'Recent changes' and then, go on.
- 6) bugs
- do not leave long spaces before -summary or between other expressions.
- 7) When finished: I go to 'Running' and delete (shutdown)
- 8) go back to home and start again
Replace in one Category
[επεξεργασία]help: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/replace.py
- cat - work on all pages (not categories) which are in a specific category. Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname".
- for beginners to limit the work to the main namespace with -ns:0
= when the first letter (^) is γ, followed by any character (.)
[επεξεργασία]- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/PAWS
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Scripts
- see #Other
- captures, expressions at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
These help pages have no simple examples:
Learn more
- Search google for: regex pcre